Astroguide - Horoscope & Tarot是RedAppz開發的一款能夠在行動裝置上運行的生活方式應用程式,但使用最好的Android 模擬器-雷電模擬器 ,你可以在電腦上下載並暢玩Astroguide - Horoscope & Tarot。
在電腦上運行Astroguide - Horoscope & Tarot,您可以在大螢幕上清晰地瀏覽, 而用滑鼠和鍵盤操控應用程式比用觸摸屏鍵盤要快得多,同時你將永遠不必擔心設備的電量問題。
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Astroguide - the most comprehensive free astrology app with HOROSCOPES, TAROT READINGS, QUOTES, NUMEROLOGY and ZODIAC COMPATIBILITYDiscover what the future holds for you with accurate and free daily horoscope, personalized tarot reading and love compatibility test. Get an insight on what to expect for love, money, work, health for today and tomorrow.
DAILY HOROSCOPEThe most complete free horoscope app with daily star ratings
Horoscope of the day: love, sensuality, money, work & health
Horoscope of tomorrow: what can you expect in the near future?
Horoscope of yesterday: in case you missed it
TAROT READINGSFree tarot cards drawing
Tarot of love and relationships
Tarot of money and good fortune
Tarot of work and projects
1 card reading: a fresh look on an issue
2 cards reading: problem and solution
3 cards reading: past, present and future
4 cards reading: a new project
5 cards reading: the sun cross
QUOTES & MEMESFun facts and folk wisdom about each zodiac sign.
Plenty of reasons to be proud of your own sign!
NUMEROLOGYCalculate your destiny number
Get daily advice
What are your favorable hours and your lucky colors of the day?
ZODIAC COMPATIBILITYWhich astrology signs are you compatible with?
Comprehensive analysis for each combination of zodiac signs
Love test based on zodiac signs and affinities
Astro guide covers detailed astrological predictions for all zodiac signs:
♈ Aries (3/21 - 4/19)
♉ Taurus (4/20 - 5/20)
♊ Gemini (5/21 - 6/21)
♋ Cancer (6/22 - 7/22)
♌ Leo (7/23 - 8/22)
♍ Virgo (8/23 - 9/22)
♎ Libra (9/23 - 10/22)
♏ Scorpio (10/23 - 11/22)
♐ Sagittarius (11/23 - 12/21)
♑ Capricorn (12/22 - 1/19)
♒ Aquarius (1/20 -2/18)
♓ Pisces (2/19 - 3/20)
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I don't have words to say but I really really really really really really love the app coz it predicts if I may say so😅😅 Plus there are no ads.
It's always on point and I love the amount of variety of guidance provided. I certainly don't mind the ads, everyone has to make it somehow, but I gave it 4 starts bc the numerology section is lacking in content as there's so much more to behold than just a destiny number. Also birth charts would be an excellent addition to this app. My phone doesn't have a lot of space so adding apps to get more info is a no no for me. Any app that has it all in one spot is amazing. Thank you.
As far as the content goes, it's about average with what you can find in other free astrology apps out there. The difference that made me UNinstall this one, was the ads. I can handle ads, and get why they're necessary. But two back to back ads as soon as you launch the app is completely ridiculous. This happened every single time I tried to use it, and while it's only about 10-20 seconds of my life, it's still bothersome because it's the first thing I see.