Speech Recognition & Synthesis是Google LLC開發的一款能夠在行動裝置上運行的工具應用程式,但使用最好的Android 模擬器-雷電模擬器 ,你可以在電腦上下載並暢玩Speech Recognition & Synthesis。
在電腦上運行Speech Recognition & Synthesis,您可以在大螢幕上清晰地瀏覽, 而用滑鼠和鍵盤操控應用程式比用觸摸屏鍵盤要快得多,同時你將永遠不必擔心設備的電量問題。
下載Speech Recognition & Synthesis並在PC上運行。享受PC端的大螢幕和高畫質畫質吧!
Power your device with the magic of Google’s text-to-speech and speech-to-text technology.
Google Speech-to-Text functionality Speech Recognition provides speech-to-text functionality to Google and other third party apps to convert what you say to text. For example, it can be used by:
• Google Maps when you use your voice to search places
• Recorder App to transcribe your recordings on device
• Phone App Call Screen feature to get a real-time transcription of your caller
• Accessibility apps like Voice Access for operating your device through voice
• Dictation or keyboard apps you might use to dictate text messages through voice
• Apps that contain a search by voice feature so that you can quickly search for your favorite shows or songs
• Language learning apps that recognize what you say as you practice a new language
• …and many other applications in Play Store
To use Google Speech-to-Text functionality on your Android device, go to Settings > Apps & notifications > Default apps > Assist App. Select Speech Recognition and Synthesis from Google as your preferred voice input engine.
Google Text-to-Speech functionality Speech Services powers applications to read the text on your screen aloud. For example, it can be used by:
• Google Play Books to “Read Aloud” your favorite book
• Google Translate to speak translations aloud so you can hear the pronunciation of a word
• Talkback and accessibility applications for spoken feedback across your device
• …and many other applications in Play Store
To use Google Text-to-Speech functionality on your Android device, go to Settings > Languages & Input > Text-to-Speech output. Select Speech Recognition and Synthesis from Google as your preferred engine.
Note, on many Android devices, Speech Recognition and Synthesis from Google is already available, but you can update to the latest version here.
扣一顆星是因為更新造成的bug經過三個月後才修好,不然這個功能搭配其他程式真的很好用,尤其是有看文章或小說的需求的話,改用聽的可以讓眼睛休息,也可以一邊做事一邊聽。希望未來能加強破音字的正確性 --以下是8/28的評論-- 更新後非常難用,無法調整語速與音調,必須頻繁解除更新再重新更新才能正常使用,但沒隔多久音調語速又突然卡住,回復到預設狀態無法調整
來自 Google 的語音辨識和合成 Google 應用程式的語音辨識和合成不僅提供文字轉語音功能,還為具有語音轉文字功能的應用程式提供了將語音轉換為文字的功能。
請先解除安裝,再更新,否則很佔記憶體,效能又不彰。 144MB。202MB。