使用雷電模擬器在電腦上玩Halloween Spooky Watch Face
Halloween Spooky Watch Face是Smart Art Studios開發的一款能夠在行動裝置上運行的個性化應用程式,但使用最好的Android 模擬器-雷電模擬器 ,你可以在電腦上下載並暢玩Halloween Spooky Watch Face。
在電腦上運行Halloween Spooky Watch Face,您可以在大螢幕上清晰地瀏覽, 而用滑鼠和鍵盤操控應用程式比用觸摸屏鍵盤要快得多,同時你將永遠不必擔心設備的電量問題。
下載Halloween Spooky Watch Face並在PC上運行。享受PC端的大螢幕和高畫質畫質吧!
保持冷靜並保持警覺 ★★
萬聖節幽靈互動錶盤!獨特的萬聖節互動錶盤,具有互動操作,適用於 Wear OS 4.0。 ★★
完全支援Wear OS 4.0.✔
適合 iPhone 和 Android 用戶的獨立錶盤。✔
觸控音效和觸控震動。✔ 獨特的萬聖節設計錶盤,具有互動動作。
✔ 15 種獨特的不同萬聖節主題可供選擇。
✔ 新型手機和手錶電池資訊。
✔ 螢幕亮時間選項
✔ 2 種環境模式選項,簡單黑白和全彩環境模式。
✔ 在全螢幕模式和黑白環境模式之間進行選擇
✔ 點擊錶盤上的任意位置即可更改主題。
✔ 獨特風格的日期、日期、月份名稱
✔ 短 Peek 卡選項
✔ 環境模式下的 Peek 卡開/關選項
✔ 半透明窺視卡
✔ 狀態列圖示的透明或不透明背景
✔ 狀態列圖示的自訂位置
✔ OK Google 的自訂位置
★★萬聖節互動錶盤是一款以萬聖節設計為靈感的錶盤,具有獨特的 15 個萬聖節主題,這是您十月的錶盤。手腕上的恐怖萬聖節★★
★支援所有手錶解析度★僅相容於Wear OS手錶,不適用於三星手錶
★如何使用1. 您可以從配套應用程式啟用或停用聲音效果和振動。
如何在 Wear OS 1.0 上安裝錶盤?1. 安裝後,從 Wear OS 應用程式執行「重新同步應用程式」。
2. 長按手錶並選擇「萬聖節幽靈錶盤」作為錶盤,或使用 Wear OS 應用程式選擇錶盤。
如何在 Wear OS 2.0 & 3.0 & 4.0 上安裝錶盤?1. 從手錶上的 Google Play Wear 商店安裝它。
2. 安裝配套應用程式以進行完全自訂(Android 手機裝置)。
★有用的提示✔ 有時需要等待較長時間才能轉接觀看
✔這不是錶盤造成的,而是Wear OS應用程式造成的。
✔ 若手錶在幾分鐘後未顯示錶盤,請嘗試重新同步或依照下列步驟操作:
1. 斷開裝置(手錶和手機)的連接
★在 Play 商店訪問我們針對 Wear OS 的獨家 Wear 臉部系列 https://goo.gl/RxW9Cs重要提示:您的手錶必須有揚聲器才能獲得每小時和觸控音效。
注意:如果您有任何問題,請先給我們發電子郵件,然後再在 Play 商店中留下 1 星評級,我們會解決它
App keeps crashing on me and says it has a bug . Uninstalled to see if that helps, and it doesn't help .
The app itself looks great. There are a couple of bugs that I wish could be resolved... I paid for the premium because it said you would be able to customize it. But you cannot customize what's different status things appear on the watch face. So right now it shows the weather which is helpful The watch battery which is also helpful and your phone battery which is pointless. It would be much more useful if it would show your step count or allow you to at least pick between a couple of options.
I didn't find this app remotely intuitive and had to uninstall/reinstall to get it to work, even after paying for premium. My watch is a Galaxy 4 Classic, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it. A "Send to Watch" button in the app would go a long way in ending the uncertainty I've experienced when changing settings. Thumbnails of the themes in the app would make it more convenient, too. I do like the faces, and the info displayed is exactly what I want.