Game of Warriors是Play365開發的一款戰略遊戲,雷電模擬器是在PC電腦上玩Game of Warriors的最佳平台,可提供強大的功能幫助你在Game of Warriors中獲得沉浸式的體驗。
當你在電腦上玩Game of Warriors的時候,您可以享受長時間的遊戲。使用腳本錄製自動錄製重複的動作和任務。這將讓您更快地升級,同時也使資源收集更有效。
如果你想培養多個帳戶,多開和同步也可以幫到你。你可以玩主帳戶的同時執行替代帳戶進行成長和升級。現在就開始在電腦上下載和玩Game of Warriors吧!
塔防 (TD) 和戰略游戲風格。
- +1500防禦波。
- 4個英雄待解鎖。
- 征服+100地區。
- +30名士兵待升級。
- +1000種建築升級。
- 4種不同的種族待征服(地精、骷髏、狼人和獸人)。
- 為你的將軍提供15種被動技能和3種主動技能。
Game of Warriors is a Strategy TD (Tower Defense) game with a unique style in its genre. Set in a magical world you will have to upgrade your defenses and mighty soldiers to survive and siege enemy territories to conquer them.
The rival alliance of the evil kingdoms has pushed what remains of the human civilization to a corner of the world, isolated and forgotten, plunged into misery and trying to survive harshly.
Ready the horses, hire your warriors and prepare the spears for battle, the war horn will sound again and our titans will destroy the enemy walls and towers.
The age of dark empires have come to an end, it's time to recover what rightfully belongs to us, it's time for revolt, war and revenge!
The warriors claim your name, lord!
Command your gladiators into a battle for eternal glory in this epic clash of warriors.
- Tower Defense (TD) and Strategy game style.
- +1500 defensive waves.
- 4 Heroes to unlock.
- +100 territories to conquer.
- +30 soldiers to upgrade.
- +1000 building upgrades.
- 4 different races to conquer (Goblins, Skeletons, Worgens and Orcs).
- 15 passive and 3 active skills for your general.