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Maze of Realities: Episode 1

Pack your bags and set off on a mystery adventure to the temple in Egypt!
Do Games Limited
如何在電腦上下載暢玩Maze of Realities: Episode 1
近期更新: 2023-11-29

使用雷電模擬器在PC電腦上暢玩Maze of Realities: Episode 1

Maze of Realities: Episode 1是Do Games Limited開發的一款能夠在行動裝置上運行的解謎遊戲,但使用最好的Android 模擬器-LDPlayer ,你可以在PC電腦上下載並暢玩Maze of Realities: Episode 1。

在電腦上玩Maze of Realities: Episode 1,您可以充分利用計算機強大的CPU和記憶體資源,而無需擔心延遲或崩潰,也不再受電池、移動數據和騷擾電話的限制,想玩多久就玩多久。

而雷電模擬器 是適用於 Windows PC 的 Android 模擬器之一,專為狂熱的手機遊戲玩家而設計,基於Android 9.0系統,透過提供更快的性能和更高的FPS來增強您在電腦上玩Maze of Realities: Episode 1的遊戲體驗。

此外,雷電模擬器還提供獨有的模擬器功能,包括多實例支持、巨集指令、同步、遠端控制以及行動裝置上不提供的其他功能。現在就開始在電腦上下載和玩Maze of Realities: Episode 1吧!

Don't miss out on this epic journey! Exciting episode "Ride in the Sky" of "Maze of Realities Season 1" adventure games series will test your skills, push your limits, and leave you craving for more mysteries to unravel. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of hidden objects, item search, finding games and the thrill of discovery. Are you prepared to ride the skies of imagination and mystery? Your actions, no matter how seemingly insignificant, could be the key to saving lives across three different worlds of this point and click adventure quest!

Welcome to the lands of Egypt, specifically the Abu Gorab temple, where researchers have discovered a portal of unidentified origin. Who knows where it may take you? Civilization built on giant turtles? Aliens speaking the language of birds? There’s only one way to find out! Inspect it personally and thoroughly... Follow the trail of a missing scientist and find out what it was that made him risk venturing into the unknown. Who knows, maybe something will compel you to stick around for a while too?

🌌 Embark on an adventure!
The adventure is closer than you think in this point and click mystery! Dive into the world of "Maze of Realities" where hidden objects, search and find, and hide and seek games await you. Are you ready for the unknown?

🌌 Mind-bending puzzles!
Inspect the portal personally and thoroughly as you follow the trail of a missing scientist. Unravel the enigmatic puzzles, finding games and item search that lie in wait. What compelled him to venture into the unknown? Discover the truth and find out if it's enough to keep you in this mesmerizing world!

🌌 Earn achievements!
Play intricate puzzles and relaxing hide and seek games to earn a variety of achievements. Sometimes, doing seemingly insignificant tasks can save lives in three different worlds. Will you rise to the challenge of this mystery quest episode?

🌌 Uncharted lands of egypt!
Join us on an epic journey to the Abu Gorab temple in the heart of Egypt! This adventure will take you to a world of mystery and fantasy, with civilizations built on giant turtles and aliens who speak the language of birds. Will you find your way back home, or will the mysteries keep you captivated?

Enjoy the free trial version of the point and click adventure, then unlock the full game through an in-app purchase.

Questions? Email us at support@dominigames.com
Visit our website to search and find hidden object games: http://dominigames.com
Become our fan on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dominigames
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dominigames

Embark on an epic journey in 'Maze of Realities Season 1: Ride in the Sky' adventure game episode! Dive into a world of hidden objects, item search, hide and seek games and thrilling discoveries. Are you ready to embark on a point and click adventure through imagination and mystery?

Maze of Realities: Episode 1 PC電腦版的截圖和影片

透過雷電模擬器下載并在電腦PC上暢玩Maze of Realities: Episode 1 ,享受更寬闊的視野,更精緻的遊戲畫面,更酷炫的戰鬥技能和特效。極致完美的遊戲體驗,盡在雷電模擬器。

為什麼使用雷電模擬器在電腦上玩Maze of Realities: Episode 1 ?

在玩Maze of Realities: Episode 1時,開啟多個模擬器視窗執行不同的遊戲帳號,搭配同步功能,同時對多個帳號進行統一操作,這對於管理多個遊戲帳號或者進行團隊遊戲時協作操作非常有幫助。

如何在電腦上下載Maze of Realities: Episode 1






在搜索框中輸入並搜尋Maze of Realities: Episode 1


從搜尋結果中選擇並安裝Maze of Realities: Episode 1





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