NDM - Ukulele (Read music)是Progmatique開發的一款能夠在行動裝置上運行的音樂遊戲,但使用最好的Android 模擬器-LDPlayer ,你可以在PC電腦上下載並暢玩NDM - Ukulele (Read music)。
在電腦上玩NDM - Ukulele (Read music),您可以充分利用計算機強大的CPU和記憶體資源,而無需擔心延遲或崩潰,也不再受電池、移動數據和騷擾電話的限制,想玩多久就玩多久。
而雷電模擬器 是適用於 Windows PC 的 Android 模擬器之一,專為狂熱的手機遊戲玩家而設計,基於Android 9.0系統,透過提供更快的性能和更高的FPS來增強您在電腦上玩NDM - Ukulele (Read music)的遊戲體驗。
此外,雷電模擬器還提供獨有的模擬器功能,包括多實例支持、巨集指令、同步、遠端控制以及行動裝置上不提供的其他功能。現在就開始在電腦上下載和玩NDM - Ukulele (Read music)吧!
NDM - Ukulele is a free educational music game about the ukulele.
NDM - Ukulele allows you to have fun while learning how to
read music on ukulele, develop your musical ear and also offers many additional features.
♪♫ Features✓ 4 types :
. . .
Reading music (notes). . .
Ear training (notes). . .
Reading music (chords). . .
Ear training (chords)✓ 4 modes :
. . .
Training. . .
Timed game (finding the maximum score in a 1 or 2 minutes game)
. . .
Survival mode (Game over if you make a mistake)
. . .
Challenge mode (Challenge on 5, 10, 20, 50 et 100 notes !)
✓ 3 notation systems to display the notes name :
. . .
Do Ré Mi Fa Sol La Si. . .
C D E F G A B. . .
C D E F G A H✓ Practice on a single string of the violin
✓ Practice on a particular scale
✓ Option to show / hide frets (fretless) of ukulele
✓ Sound & Vibrate mode
✓ Save scores by types and games modes
✓ Share your score on Twitter, Facebook, etc...
♪♫ Additional features✓ Dictionary of scales (Display scales on the ukulele)
. . .Available scales are :
. . . . . .
Pentatonic major scale. . . . . .
Pentatonic minor scale. . . . . .
Blues scale. . . . . .
Major scale. . . . . .
Minor scale✓ Dictionary of chords
. . .Available chords are :
. . . . . .
Major. . . . . .
Minor. . . . . .
7 (dom). . . . . .
7 Major. . . . . .
7 Minor. . . . . .
Dim. . . . . .
Aug✓ Help displaying the notes name (each string of the ukulele)
♪♫ ContactIf you find any bug or if you have any suggestions to help improve NDM - Ukulele, please contact me !
♪♫ WebsiteNDM - Ukulele website:
https://ukulele.notes-de-musique.comNDM - Ukulele changelog:
https://www.progmatique.fr/freewares/freeware-11-NDM-Ukulele.html♪♫ NDMNDM means
NotesDeMusique, this is the name of the first educational music game that I developed. NotesDeMusique is a game designed to help you easily learn reading music notes on a staff.
You will find in the "software suite" NDM :
. . .
NotesDeMusique, The first, which focuses on reading notes on a musical score (on a staff, for music theory)
. . .Specific applications for each musical instrument :
. . . . . .
NDM - Guitar, for
guitar. . . . . .
NDM - Ukulele, for
ukulele. . . . . .
NDM - Bass, for
bass. . . . . .
NDM - Piano, for
piano. . . . . .
NDM - Violin, for