進入這個真棒空手道戰鬥機:功夫遊戲,開始激烈的街頭鬥毆。您可能會成為街頭戰鬥超級英雄,擁有無窮無盡的踢力組合。步入兇猛的格鬥俱樂部。像職業空手道冠軍一樣展示您在功夫圈中的統治地位。你在超級功夫格鬥遊戲和龍空手道王遊戲中足夠熟練來控制一個巨大的戰士嗎?通過在空手道戰鬥機:功夫遊戲中面對並擊敗真正的對手,成為空手道格鬥冠軍。採用空手道格鬥風格的街機冒險遊戲,獲得最佳的 3D 體驗。解鎖一些武術技能,對對手的每一個動作做出快速反應,並展示你的王者戰士技能來擊敗你的對手。用惡毒的拳擊和健身房格鬥英雄組合擊敗所有對手來統治格鬥遊戲。做出明智的選擇,保護自己免受對手的猛烈攻擊。
Fight and win like a real spider hero in a spider superhero fighting game.
Oasis gaming studio presents Hero spider fighter man game 3d where real spider fighter act as combat spider fighting heroes to fulfil all the challenging missions. The spider hero game mission is to save the world from gangsters and dangerous people who are harming the lives of noble people in spider city. In the unsafe world the inner superhero man of responsible citizens comes into action to perform spider action to save the spider city from criminals. Hero spider fighter man acts as a one man army in the